
  • What is HydraFacial?
  • How does it work?
  • What are the benefits of HydraFacial?
  • FAQs

As time passes, our standards for skin care elevate as well. All of us want to preserve youthfulness for good. We are so eager to own smooth, shiny, and rejuvenated skin that we have tried many options. However, the results are not as expected. So, what should we do? HydraFacial is one of the effective methods to dispel your worries. The therapy can revitalize a person's gorgeousness and boost confidence and charm. This article will discuss what HydraFacial is, how it works, what benefits it can offer, and many more.

What is HydraFacial?

HydraFacial, known as "hydrodermabrasion" is one of the most effective skin resurfacing treatments. The cutting-edge technology unites cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and hydration, removing dead skin cells and impurities from our skin. Meanwhile, it transports moisturizing and hydrating substances to the skin, keeping it moisturized and rejuvenated. It only takes around 30 minutes, and its effect is instant and apparent.

Hydra facial treatment

How does it work?

A HydraFacial device mixes tiny bubbles and solution by means of a vacuum loop. It works on the skin with a spiral sucking head, enabling it to cleanse the skin, eliminate aged skin cells and blackheads, and remove impurities, mites, and grease residuals. This is how it lifts the skin quality to a higher level.

Hydro demabrasion

What are the benefits of HydraFacial?

  • Improve skin quality

A HydraFacial treatment contributes to dredging facial channels and collaterals and relieving skin problems (including peeling, oily face, acne, coarse and sensitive skin, and spider vein) caused by improper skin care and climate change.


  • Moisturize and hydrate skin

If you stick to the treatment, your skin can be supplied with adequate needed moisture to maintain its vitality. Moreover, sufficient water can lessen the impact of irritation on the skin and make the skin tightened, smooth, shiny, delicate, and elastic.


  • Fight against aging and reduce wrinkles

A woman's various body functions decline when she reaches 30 years old. The therapy, however, flattens facial lines, relieves fine lines around the eyes, lips, and eyebrows, and lightens the eye area by relaxing facial muscles and connective tissue.


  • Guard against skin diseases

Grease, dust, and makeup residuals may cause acne if you dismiss facial cleansing in the long term. It may leave unsightly acne marks even if they are cured. Sebum and dirt clog pores, triggering bacterial reproduction. Proper facial cleansing and care, such as HydraFacial, can prevent such skin diseases.



Q: How long does the result of HydraFacial last? How often can I take it?

A: Your skin turns smooth and shiny, and the skin tone becomes more even after one session. The outcome featured by softness, smoothness, and moisturizing can last several days or even longer. You are advised to take it one to two times a month at first. If you notice changes to your skin, you can have the treatment every 30 days. However, you'd better follow a doctor's advice when you experience excessive sebum secretion or are diagnosed with keratosis.  


Q: Does HydraFacial treatment hurt?

A: HydraFacial is a non-invasive and painless therapy for skin care and makes you comfortable throughout. In addition, it requires no downtime. You can put on makeup immediately after a session. This is one of the reasons that celebrities and models opt for it before shows.


Q: Will my skin get thinner due to HydraFacial treatment?

A: It will not make your skin suffer. Instead, it can increase the thickness of your skin.

With the application of vortex technology, it removes dirt from skin surface and moisturizes the skin with a particular essence. Over time, the skin takes a turn for the better, and its barrier is repaired.


Q: Is HydraFacial suitable for men?

A: Of course. In some cases, it can even deliver a better effect. This is because men's skin is thicker than that of women, their skin secrets much more grease, and they are prone to have blackheads, acne, and enlarged pores.


Q: Will my skin return to its previous conditions if I stop taking HydraFacial treatment?

A: Your skin recovers to the metabolic cycle of 28 days when you complete a session.

Therefore, the skin can lock the effect for the time being. However, skin quality is subject to various factors, such as how you carry out skin care, your daily schedule, etc. You'd better stick to the therapy to keep your skin moisturized and lightened.


Q: What are the side effects of HydraFacial?

A: Some people may experience transitory redness, irritation, sense of tightening afterward. You do not have to worry about these symptoms since they will vanish within several days. If you can not put up with them, wear makeup to cover it.


Q: How much does a HydraFacial session cost?

A: The price varies from $150 to $300, depending on the beauty salon you choose and how experienced the operator is. However, you're advised to visit some qualified and experienced institution to perform the therapy.


Q: Who should avoid HydraFacial?

A: You should keep away from it if you are in one of the following situations: have an active rash, sunburn, or moderate to severe acne or rosacea; get pregnant or during breastfeeding; use prescription creams for daily skin care.


Q: What are the dos and don'ts after a HydraFacial session?

A: You should take the following into account once you finish a session: wash your face with warm water within three days; keep your skin moisturized and hydrated, and protect yourself from the sun; avoid using irritant skincare products, such as scrub cream, exfoliant, and AHA (Alpha Hydroxyl Acid); do not stay up late, smoke, or drink alcohol within seven days; eat more vegetables and fruits and less greasy food; apply a facial mask one time a day in three days.