Table of Contents

  • What is laser lipo?
  • How does laser lipo work?
  • Who is eligible for laser lipo treatment?
  • What are the risks of laser lipo?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of laser lipo?
  • FAQs


Are you troubled about the unwanted flab or fat on your body? Did you try to get rid of them with dieting and exercise? But you fail at last. You are looking for other ways to remove fat from your abdomen, thighs, and upper arms. Traditional cosmetic procedures, such as liposuction, cross your mind. But you are worried about the side effects it may bring. Are there any other better options? The answer is yes. There is another method to slim your body without an operation. It is called laser lipo, a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment used to achieve fat removal. If you want to try it, here are several things you need to know about it. Let's check it out.


What is laser lipo?

Laser lipo, or laser liposuction, is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes laser energy to target fat cells under the skin. The power generated by lasers can melt away the fat cells. After the cells are liquefied, they will be removed from the body via some body systems. That is how the treatment achieves fat removal. The therapy can also stimulate collagen and elastin production, delivering a firmer and smoother skin quality. It involves no surgery; thus, there is no downtime and lower risks. That means you can go back to regular work and life right away. All in all, it's a good choice when it comes to fat removal.


How does laser lipo work?

Several pads equipped with laser diodes will be placed onto a targeted area during a laser lipo session. Then the energy emitted by the pads goes deep into fat cells under the skin, creating small holes in the membranes of the cells. It heats the cells until they die one by one. Afterward, it forces the fat cells to discharge the stored fatty acids, glycerol, and moisture. The process causes the fat cells to shrink, thus, resulting in size losses of a specific body part. The destroyed fat cells will be processed via the lymphatic and urine system and are removed from our body. The process takes about one hour. Since it uses no surgical devices throughout, it brings about no post-treatment infection or complication.


Who is eligible for laser lipo treatment?

Unlike liposuction, the ideal candidates for laser lipo treatment are a little bit less. The reason is that it involves the use of lasers and is not suitable for being overly fat. The procedure might suit you if you are not too fat (usually 20-30 pounds above your perfect body weight), you are only concerned about "obese areas" rather than whole body weight reduction, and you are in good health. 


So here comes the question: who can not undergo a laser lipo session? You can not take it if you are in one of the following situations:

  • You are pregnant or during menstruation;
  • You are equipped with a pacemaker or defibrillator inside the body or with similar implants;
  • You have serious diseases, such as heart disease or other heart conditions, liver disease, cancer, diabetes, blood clots, vascular disorders, sclerosis, etc.;
  • You did surgery these days or are taking anticoagulants or medicines that may trigger light sensitivity.

If you are unsure about your situation, you'd better consult a physician before accepting the treatment.


What are the risks of laser lipo?

Laser lipo is regarded as a safe remedy for most people and is ideal for removing fat. However, it brings about some common risks and side effects, which are rare and are always mild. Some people may experience pain, numbness, or discomfort in a treated part during and after the treatment. And in some cases, people's skin gets loose or discolored. If you are unlucky, you may feel burning under the skin after a session. Usually, those symptoms are typical and will last for several days.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of laser lipo?

The procedure has the following strengths:

  • It's non-invasive and non-surgical;
  • It has less downtime;
  • The chances of getting an infection are small;
  • The side effects are minimal and not harmful;
  • It requires less preparatory work before a session.


However, it also has some cons, including:

  • It is not for people with overly fat;
  • It takes a long time and multiple sessions to see noticeable changes in the body;
  • It can not eliminate unwanted fat from a large area.



Q: Does laser lipo work?

A: Yes. It heats fat cells until they are liquefied. The destroyed fat cells are then discharged through our body systems. By doing this, it achieves fat removal.


Q: Does laser lipo work on belly fat?

A: Generally speaking, you can use it to remove fat from the abdomen, thighs, back, and upper arms. Therefore, it indeed helps you treat fat on your belly.


Q: Where can I use laser lipo?

A: Usually, you can use it on any body parts with stored fat, including the abdomen, waistline, thighs, arms, and under the chin.  


Q: How long can the effect of laser lipo last?

A: You can see changes in your body after one week. For long-lasting results, it takes 4 to 6 months. But keep in mind that a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly is the only way to keep the lasting results. If you follow the instructions, the effect can last for years.


Q: How much does laser lipo cost?

A: The expense for a laser lipo session varies. It depends on the size of a treated area, how many sessions you want to have, who will perform the procedure, and where you will have it. Usually, the cost for a course of treatment is somewhere between $1,000 to $4,000.