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Are you bothered by the unwanted fat on your body? Are you looking for methods to say goodbye to it? Ultrasonic cavitation is one of the solutions. Ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasonic technology to break down subcutaneous fat cells. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. The process works by applying pressure to fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The force is strong enough to break down fat cells into liquid form. The body can then excrete it as waste through urine. The destroyed fat cells are transferred from the body to the liver, where they are excreted as waste. The treatment is used in conjunction with other weight loss programs to help get rid of excess fat. It is a preferred method to eliminate body fat over other invasive procedures. It's worth noting that if you eat high-calorie foods, your weight may come back. This article will tell you more about body cavitation.


What is 40k body ultrasonic cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is a novel non-surgical fat removal method. It is also called ultrasound liposuction. It does not require cuts, anesthesia, or surgery. Ultrasound technology uses low-frequency sound waves to destroy fat cells without causing damage to other tissues or organs. When the fat cells are destroyed, the fat is translated into protein and then into free fatty acids, which are transferred to the liver to decay and then removed from the body. After the first treatment, the patient's circumference is expected to shrink by a few centimeters.


How does it work?

40K cavitation theory

Ultrasonic cavitation uses radio frequency and low frequency ultrasound to tune the human body. These waves form bubbles around subcutaneous fat deposits. These bubbles then burst, breaking down the fat deposits into the interstitial and lymphatic systems, where they drained. Fat precipitates into glycerol and free fatty acids. Glycerol is then reused by the body, while free fatty acids are transported to the liver and excreted as waste. That is how fat removal is achieved.


What are the pros and cons of using ultrasonic cavitation?

The advantages of the method are as follows:

  • It requires no downtime;
  • It delivers long-lasting results if you stick to a healthy lifestyle;
  • It causes minimal side effects;
  • It leaves no scars;
  • No need for anesthesia.


However, the treatment still displays some shortcomings, including:

  • It reduces less weight compared to invasive methods such as liposuction;
  • It may be inefficient for those trying to lose weight;
  • It needs to be used with other weight loss methods to achieve desired results;
  • The fat may get rebound after reduction.‌‌

You must continue to consume a healthy and balanced diet and get enough fluids after ultrasonic cavitation. It would be best to consider eating a low-calorie diet with fewer carbohydrates or foods with low blood glucose (such as fruits and vegetables).



Q: How many sessions do I need to achieve my goal?

A: Initially, it's best to space your treatment three days apart, as this is important to allocate some time for your body to metabolize and expel fat. The average sessions that a person needs are around 6 to 12 treatments, depending on many factors. And you'd better conduct maintenance therapy once a month for four months in a row and then every four months to maintain the results.


Q: When can I see the results?

A: Most patients see a reduction in circumference with the first treatment, and the effect increases with each subsequent treatment. Outcomes may vary depending on several factors such as age, metabolism, medications, and hormones. Staying well hydrated and increasing activity will help improve outcomes. You will continue to see results 12 weeks after your last treatment. Radio frequency combined with cavitation will create firmer and smoother skin.


Q: Are the results permanent?

A: The results of the treatment are considered permanent. However, if you can't maintain your weight, the change is that fat will start accumulating in other parts of the body.


Q: Does it have any side effects?

A: Side effects are not often heard about, but research suggests that the following may occur: some patients sometimes experience nausea during the initial stages of treatment as toxins are pushed through the body; transient redness of the skin; thirst; mild headache; decreased appetite.


Q: Who can not take the treatment?

A: If you have any of the following conditions, you are not suitable for cavitation: you are under 18 years; with liver problems, cancer, epilepsy, or high blood pressure; you are pregnant or during breastfeeding; with severe hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and poor circulation; patients with thrombosis or needing a medical transplant; with implanted devices (such as pacemakers); with artificial hips and bones; with a systemic or autoimmune disease; you are taking immunosuppressive drugs; with scarring, hernia, or undetermined skin disease or allergy in the treated area; unhealthy diet and irregular exercise.


Q: Am I a good candidate?

A: The procedure is a good choice for the people below: cavitation is ideal for those who do not want invasive procedures; those who want to improve the shape and contour of particular parts; have an approximation. 3 cm or more of fat needs immediate reduction; if you are obese or relatively overweight.