Table of Contents

  • What is radio frequency?
  • How does RF cavitation works?
  • FAQs


You may have tried different ways to get rid of body fat but failed. Now, there is a non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment to reduce stubborn fat from particular targeted areas. Radiofrequency cavitation uses ultrasound waves that destroy fat cells to remove fat without surgery. Like liposuction, RF cavitation is a body contouring treatment. However, liposuction requires surgery, whereas RF cavitation does not. This article will tell you more about this procedure.


What is radio frequency?

Radio Frequency

Radiofrequency therapy, also called radiofrequency, is an effective practice that can be used for cosmetic purposes. Radiofrequency is a non-invasive procedure that tightens the skin, fights against wrinkles, and boosts collagen. Additionally, this therapy can target other areas of your body to reduce cellulite and waistline.


RF therapy uses a device that heats the deep layers of the skin (the dermis) to produce collagen. It combines Multipolar Radio Frequency treatment and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field, and it is entirely safe and can stimulate collagen growth and reduce wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines. Since skin laxity occurs around 35-40 years old when collagen levels begin to decline, radiofrequency therapy is recommended to maintain skin elasticity and induce fibroblast proliferation.


Radiofrequency waves are used to heat the dermis to 50-75 degrees celsius. Research shows that if your skin temperature exceeds 46°C for more than three minutes, your body produces heat shock proteins. The method works really well for slimming and tightening the skin. Also, the satisfaction among patients is high after the course of treatment. By using magnetic pulses to heat protein fibers in the skin to stimulate collagen production, the process is safe, and patients experience little pain.


How does RF cavitation works?

Cavitation RF

Radiofrequency ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasound to remove fat. Ultrasonic devices target specific areas of the body that cause the underlying fat cells to rupture and die. The handheld device emits low-frequency sound waves that convert fat cells into fatty acids that the body naturally excretes. Ultrasonic cavitation can be combined with treatments that stimulate collagen production to tighten loose skin.



Q: Where can I use RF on my body?

A: Usually, the treatment can be used in the following areas: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, chin, and arms. There are no restrictions on where RF/cavitation can be applied, but areas with more localized fat may see better results.


Q: Is radiofrequency/cavitation therapy painful?

A: The procedure needs no anesthesia at all, no cutting, and it is non-invasive. The area being treated will feel warm, have a warm sensation, and occasionally experience redness. The only discomfort during the treatment is the buzzing you will get in your ears with the cavitation machine. The humming or ringing usually stops when the cavitation part of the service is over. However, some people still experience a faint humming or ringing 24 hours after treatments.


Q: Is the treatment safe?

A: Yes. The therapy is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment, so it's safe, and you won't have downtime.


Q: How does RF/cavitation remove fat from my body?

A: Radiofrequency/cavitation emulsifies your fat during treatment, making it easy for your body to expel it through the urinary and lymphatic systems.


Q: How long does the session last, and how many sessions do I need?

A: Each treatment lasts about 30-50 minutes, and we recommend every 72 hours to allow enough time for the fat to be excreted entirely. While you can have up to 12 sessions, most clients will take between 8-12 sessions to achieve their desired results.


Q: What are the side effects?

A: The treatment does not affect blood vessels, nerves, or connective tissue, so it is entirely safe with limited side effects. There may be redness, abrasions, or abrasions in the treated area. Thirst or nausea can be felt immediately after treatment, but this goes away soon after drinking water.


Q: What should I do before and after the treatment?

A: To make your treatment more effective, you must ensure you drink enough water (at least 1.5 liters) before and after a session. We also recommend eating a low-calorie diet and minimizing carbohydrate and fat intake at least 24 hours before bedtime. That will help burn fatty acids and glucose stored in the body. After your treatment, you'll want to do a whole-body vibration and light exercise to help drain fat through your lymphatic system.


Q: Who can take the treatment?

A: In most cases, anyone looking to reduce cellulite is a good candidate for RF cavitation. However, anyone with a pacemaker, heart or blood vessel disease and pregnant women should not receive this treatment. If you have a medical condition, your technician will recommend that you consult your doctor before treatment.


Q: Will I see immediate results?

A: Yes. Most clients experience a noticeable reduction in their waistline immediately after their first treatment. However, results vary by client. Oily skin works better than dry skin. Dry skin has fewer water molecules, which may make it less elastic and more fragile. It is crucial to keep the skin moisturized. Other factors may also affect the outcomes, including different tissue structures, treatment areas, age, metabolism, medications, hormonal changes, and physical activity.